How to Purchase Organic Vegetables from Marketplace

Organic vegetables are wonderful, and well worth their price, say some. Growing your own organic vegetables is best, of course. You feel safer knowing exactly what was used on your vegetables before they got to your table. But if you cannot grow your own organic vegetables, the argument goes, it is worth the trouble to find a store or farmers' market where you can buy them. So let's suppose you take that trouble. Let's suppose you find a source of organic vegetables. All conventionally grown organic vegetable plants, whether fresh or in baby food, can contain methyl parathion, as well as other insecticide residues.

Organic vegetables are only part of the picture when it comes to produce. Organic vegetables are often peeled and cooked before eating. Organic fruits are often eaten unpeeled, especially by young children. Young children also consume much greater amounts of fresh fruit per pound of body weight than do adults. The pesticides are concentrated more highly in children. Some organic vegetables are probably not worth the extra cost. When organic vegetable plants and fruits pose a health risk high enough to be listed by Consumers Union, however, you may want to take notice.


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